Our Focus on High Quality Data
High quality data is an accurate, though sometimes imperfect, measurement of real world phenomena. Such data can be used to effectively guide decision making and bring about intentional and meaningful change.
At MFJ, one of our primary goals is to provide high quality data to users of our tools or services. To this end:
- We collaborate with external stakeholders to better understand the data we work with and the context from which it is derived.
- We develop rigorous processes to ensure that our data is reliable, drawing on the unique blend of domain expertise of our teams.
- We strive to make data quality concerns transparent and accessible to stakeholders and work to resolve them.
- We encourage communities, including the institutions that serve them, to evaluate real-world outcomes informed by these data, and to continue to strive toward greater data transparency.
- We acknowledge that sometimes data is not suited for every purpose. When we believe that data is not of high quality for a given purpose, we work with the relevant stakeholders to determine next steps.