How Mining Criminal History Records Can Shape the Future of Criminal Justice The Crime Report Jul 23, 2019
Liberating criminal justice data: How a Florida law provides a blueprint for the nation ABA Journal | FL Jun 18, 2019
Bills To Boost Justice Data Collection And Automate Expungements Sail Through The Assembly Witness LA | Los Angeles, CA May 30, 2019
Felons in Florida won back their right to vote. Now a new bill might limit who can cast a ballot CBS NEWS May 24, 2019
Who’s in Colorado’s county jails? Data-collection legislation would provide answers. Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition | CO Apr 26, 2019
Could a revolutionary podcast change America’s criminal justice system? The Times of Israel Apr 24, 2019
MFJ on Social Introducing Police Dimension-Officer Safety and We 🎉 Celebrating Rae’s 8-Year Anniversary at MFJ Introducing Police Dimension: Internal and Externa MFJ is excited to continue our partnership with th With the help of the Commons platform, the West Sa Introducing Police Dimension: Use of Force There We’re excited to recognize Rachel's two impactfu Today, some of the MFJ team had the opportunity to Introducing Police Dimension: Crime Reduction and Sharing more about the broad categories of policin At Measures for Justice, we believe that data spea Understanding how cases flow through the criminal