The Power of Early-Stage Organizations to Change Entrenched Systems Stanford Social Innovation Review Nov 30, 2017
The Prosecution: DA oversight may reduce overcharging for Midstate police The Sentinel | Cumberland County, PA Oct 27, 2017
Database offers trove of criminal justice stories with rare, deep look into local data Poynter Sep 22, 2017
Vote to halt bail changes in Utah passes after all, but courts plan to move forward The Salt Lake Tribune | Salt Lake City, UT Sep 21, 2017
Data Quest: Why This Wonkish Criminal Justice Group is Pulling in the Big Bucks Inside Philanthropy Aug 10, 2017
Should drug dealers face murder charges for overdoses? State Attorney Melissa Nelson thinks so | Jacksonville, FL Jul 16, 2017
MFJ on Social Introducing Police Dimension-Officer Safety and We 🎉 Celebrating Rae’s 8-Year Anniversary at MFJ Introducing Police Dimension: Internal and Externa MFJ is excited to continue our partnership with th With the help of the Commons platform, the West Sa Introducing Police Dimension: Use of Force There We’re excited to recognize Rachel's two impactfu Today, some of the MFJ team had the opportunity to Introducing Police Dimension: Crime Reduction and Sharing more about the broad categories of policin At Measures for Justice, we believe that data spea Understanding how cases flow through the criminal