What We Do / Solutions


Our data tools and services help communities drive the change they want to see. Courts, police, prosecutors, advocates, and activists can all use our solutions to reshape how the criminal justice system works for them.

Data Powered Change


Commons is a community-driven data tool that helps shape criminal justice policy. Developed with the public and their public servants, the platform makes available criminal justice data and shared policy goals so that communities have access to how their local criminal justice systems are handling cases.

National Measurement

Data Portal

One of the largest bodies of standardized county-level criminal justice data in the country offering a snapshot of what’s happening in local courts nationwide across case characteristics like defendant race/ethnicity, age, sex, indigent status and case severity and offense type.

County Report

A printable overview of your county’s performance across all measures, including disparities and outliers.

State Datasets

Complete state datasets for download.



We work with agencies/offices/courts to help them improve how they collect and standardize their data based on a series of best practices and model legislation.

Data Infrastructure Assessments

We have developed tools that help prosecutor offices, courts, and police departments evaluate the strengths and challenges of their data culture and infrastructure. We make specific recommendations for improvement.

More Tools

Text-based Offense Classification Tool

Designed to harmonize criminal justice offense codes across datasets and jurisdictions for analysis. The tool is a collaboration with the University of Michigan Criminal Justice Administrative Records System.


Textricator extracts text from computer-generated PDFs and generates structured data files (CSV or JSON) from the text.


Expr. provides a syntax for writing and evaluating logical expressions against data records.